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$('#dr_'+json.data.field).focus(); } } }, error: function(HttpRequest, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { dr_ajax_alert_error(HttpRequest, ajaxOptions, thrownError) } }); } // 退出登录 function dr_loginout(msg) { $.ajax({type: "GET",dataType:"json", url: "/index.php?s=api&c=api&m=loginout", success: function(json) { var oss_url = json.data.sso; // 发送同步登录信息 for ( var i = 0; i < oss_url.length; i++){ $.ajax({ type: "GET", url:oss_url[i], dataType: "jsonp", success: function(json){ }, error: function(){ } }); } dr_cmf_tips(1, json.msg); setTimeout('window.location.href="' ktpo.ebub.vsm '"', 2000); }, error: function(HttpRequest, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { dr_ajax_alert_error(HttpRequest, ajaxOptions, thrownError) } }); } // ajax提交登录或者注册 function dr_ajax_member(url, form) { var flen = $('[id='+form+']').length; // 验证id是否存在 if (flen == 0) { dr_cmf_tips(0, lang['unformid'] + ' ('+form+')'); return; } // 验证重复 if (flen > 1) { dr_cmf_tips(0, lang['repeatformid'] + ' ('+form+')'); return; } var loading = layer.load(2, { shade: [0.3,'#fff'], //0.1透明度的白色背景 time: 100000000 }); 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if (data.code) { $(e).parents(".files_row").remove(); } }, 'json'); } // 多文件上传修改文件 function dr_file_edit(e) { var name_obj = $(e).parents(".files_row").find(".files_row_name"); name_obj.focus(); return; } // 显示ip信息 function dr_show_ip(name) { if (is_mobile_cms == 1) { width = height = '95%'; } else { width = height = '70%'; } var url = "https://www.baidu.com/s?wd="+$("#dr_"+name).val(); layer.open({ type: 2, title: ' ' + lang['ip'], shadeClose: true, shade: 0, area: [width, height], content: url }); } function dr_diy_func(name) { dr_cmf_tips(1, '这是一个自定义函数'); } // 模块收藏 function dr_module_favorite(dir, id) { $.get("/index.php?is_ajax=1&s=api&app="+dir+"&c=module&m=favorite&id="+id, function(data){ dr_cmf_tips(data.code, data.msg); if (data.code) { $('#module_favorite_'+id).html(data.data); } }, 'json'); } // 模块支持反对 function dr_module_digg(dir, id, value) { $.get("/index.php?is_ajax=1&s=api&app="+dir+"&c=module&m=digg&id="+id+'&value='+value, function(data){ dr_cmf_tips(data.code, data.msg); if (data.code) { $('#module_digg_'+id+'_'+value).html(data.data); } }, 'json'); } // 选中支付方式 function dr_select_paytype(name) { $('#dr_payselect').val(name); } // 注册阅读网站协议 function dr_show_protocol() { layer.open({ type: 2, title: lang['protocol'], shadeClose: true, area: ['70%', '70%'], content: '/index.php?s=member&c=api&m=protocol' }); } function d_tips(name, status, code) { var obj = $("#dr_" + name + "_tips"); var value = obj.html(); if (!value) { obj.html("") } if (status) { if (code) { dr_cmf_tips(1, code) } } else { $("#dr_" + name).focus(); if (code) { dr_cmf_tips(0, code) } } } function check_title(t) { var id = $("#dr_id").val(); var val = $("#dr_title").val(); var mod = $("#dr_module").val(); $.get("/index.php?s=api&c=api&m=checktitle&title=" + val + "&module=" + mod + "&id=" + id+'&is_ajax=1', function(data) { if (data) { if (t == "1") { dr_cmf_tips(0, data); } else { $("#dr_title_tips").html(data); } } else { if (t == "1") { //dr_cmf_tips(1, 'ok'); } else { $("#dr_title_tips").html(""); 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if (val.indexOf("/") > 0) { d_tips(name, false); return true } else { d_tips(name, true); return false } }; function dr_ajax_alert_error(HttpRequest, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { layer.closeAll('loading'); if (typeof is_admin != "undefined" && is_admin == 1) { var msg = HttpRequest.responseText; console.log(HttpRequest, ajaxOptions, thrownError); if (!msg) { dr_cmf_tips(0, lang['error_admin']); } else { layer.open({ type: 1, title: lang['error_admin'], fix:true, shadeClose: true, shade: 0, area: ['50%', '50%'], content: "
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